Office 365 App Integration with BDS

Office 365 Integration with Breach Detection Service (Latest Version)


Office 365 is a critical part of your infrastructure. The Pulse Breach Detection platform provides API based integration with Office 365 & Azure AD to provide visibility into system changes, file sharing and authentication related events that are critical for enabling compliance and enhancing your overall cyber security posture.

The integration allows ingestion of the following logs:

·         General Audit

·         Exchange

·         SharePoint

·         Azure Active Directory logs

What We Need


In order to securely connect the Pulse Breach Detection platform with your office 365 instance we will need the following:

1.    Azure Tenant(Directory) ID: 

2.    Client(Application) ID: 

3.    Client Secret (Password): 


Note: Please login into the Azure portal with Admin Privileges to perform the below steps.

Necessary Steps

·         Login in to the Azure Administrator Portal Account(

·         Create a New App Registration with the below following steps



Click on Register an application


Register the application once the above fields are given proper values. Once the application is created you see the below with the required information by the SOC such as the Application ID and Directory ID.


Click on API permissions and then add a permission then select all the Application permissions and Delegated permissions in  the Microsoft Office 365 Management API






Once all the Application and Delegated Permissions are added then we need to Grant admin consent for the requested permissions.





Then we need to the generate the secrets. This can be generated in certificates and secrets.

Click on New client secret and give it a description for the key and select the expiration period for the Key.  Once the client Key is generated then copy and send the Key along with the Application and Directory ID.



Once all the Information is gathered from the Azure Portal, please send this information to your Customer Success Manager, or submit to your project portal.

The 3 items we will need from the client are: 

·         The Azure Tenant ID(Directory ID)

·         Client ID(Application ID)

·         Client Secret(Client Password). 








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